Here is Presanella! Don’t kid yourselves, though, because we can’t go to the top of it. Indeed, it will be enough to get to its foot. We will get to the Denza Hut by following a rather easy trail rich in blueberries and we will also see a tunnel dug in solid rock, a beautiful sight over the village of Vermiglio and the valley of Val di Sole, a small forest and finally, when we come out of the vegetation, the rocky face of the mountain. We will climb just a little and see the stunning Denza Lake, set in the rocks. The ones who like being challenged will continue up to 2,700 m, closer and closer to the glacier. After a break at the hut, we will go back following the same trail.
Presanella is the highest mountain in the Trentino region, at 3,557 m above sea level; its glacier dominates the Tonale Pass and the entire surrounding area, including the Val di Pejo.
Best price for direct booking